Contractor FAQs

Why do I need more than one login to access my portal?

The portal is your view into our system and we may have more than one record set up for you. This might be because we pay you into different bank accounts for different types of jobs for example.

How do I change my personal details?

You can see what personal details we hold for you by clicking on the Cog on the My Account tab on the left hand side. This will open up a menu. Click Personal Details and if anything needs changing, please contact your Property Management Centre who can do this for you.

How do I change my password?

Click on the Cog on the My Accounts tab on the left hand side and choose Change Password. Complete the details and submit the form and your password will be changed.

How do I change my bank details?

If you need to let us know of new bank details, click on the Cog on the My Accounts tab on the left hand side and choose Bank Details. This will show you which bank account we pay into. To change this, please download the change of bank details form from this page, complete it and send it back to us.

What does the Dashboard show me?

The Dashboard is there to give you an overall summary of the status of your account. From here you can see the total income you’ve received from Countrywide, any outstanding quotes we are waiting for you to complete, the value of jobs you’ve completed and we are waiting for the invoice, any jobs you still need to complete and the amount you will be paid next time.

What will I find in the Accounts section?

The Accounts section of the portal gives you an overview of everything income related. You can view and download any previous statements, see all the payments we have credited to your account and payments we are waiting to make.

If for some reason you owe us money you will also see any outstanding invoices or paid invoices on this screen as well.

What will I find in the Maintenance section?

The Maintenance area of the portal is where you will find all information related to jobs we have asked you to do.

You can download quotation or job requests at any time that suits you. You will also see jobs that you have completed and those where we are waiting for your invoice.

What will I find in the Documents section?

From the Documents tab you will be able to view your terms of business with us and any certificates and qualifications you hold. You can view any expiry dates from here too.

When should I let you have new or updated certificates or qualifications?

Please let your Property Management Centre have any new documents as soon as you have them. For anything that is expiring, please send your updated documents to your Property Management Centre at least 2 weeks before the expiry date. This will mean we can update our systems in good time and we don’t have to put your jobs on hold.

I have feedback about the portal. Where can I send it?

We would love to hear your feedback and anything else you would like to see on the portal. We want this to be a useful tool that makes your life easier when working with us. If you have any feedback, please email This email address is for feedback only and any other queries should be directed to your Property Management Centre.